Your AIPM Individual Membership awaits

Exclusive discounts, training resources and networking opportunities are just the beginning. Download our brochure now to discover the full range of AIPM Individual Membership benefits.

The AIPM undertakes a range of initiatives, including the provision of high-level policy advice, stakeholder engagement, and advocacy across the organisation’s priority areas.

We advocate to governments and industry on behalf of our members and the wider project management community.

Our advocacy programs have been developed
to achieve three broad objectives:

Increase the recognition of project professionals as important contributors to the prosperity, health, safety, and sustainability of the community.

Advocate for adoption of project management as core organisational capability across all organisational levels and industries.

Engage with industry and government to ensure project management evolves with changing society needs.

As an independent voice in project management, we bring a distinctive perspective, informed by the insights of our diverse membership, to the priorities facing Australia.

Gender equity

The diversity challenge for the AIPM and the project management profession still looms large.


We carry out independent and commissioned research as a service to our members and the project management community.


The AIPM has undertaken several initiatives to promote the role of project management to support an infrastructure-led recovery from COVID-19 and to assist with the implementation of legislation to support improvements in the building and construction sector.

Want access to advocacy, awards, recognition, conferences, and more?

Find out more about our membership options and exclusive benefits today.

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