Your AIPM Individual Membership awaits

Exclusive discounts, training resources and networking opportunities are just the beginning. Download our brochure now to discover the full range of AIPM Individual Membership benefits.

Membership & RegPM Fee Disclaimer


By submitting your application for AIPM membership, you acknowledge and accept the following terms and conditions:

    • Non-Refundable Fees: The application and assessment fees associated with AIPM membership are non-refundable. Once your payment is processed, the application and assessment process begins, incurring costs to the organisation. As a result, we do not entertain any requests for refunds.


    • Applicant Responsibility: You are responsible for ensuring that your application decisions are made carefully and align with your circumstances. Any changes in your personal or professional situation are your own liability, and they will not warrant a refund of the fees paid.


  • Acknowledgment: By submitting your application, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions and that the fees paid are non-refundable, irrespective of any circumstances that may arise after your payment. You further affirm that you will not request or expect any refunds once your application is processed.


Please read and understand these terms before proceeding with your membership application. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these conditions, please contact our support team ( for clarification prior to making your payment.


Thank you for considering AIPM membership. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.