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January 2024 edition

Synergy: Navigating the Path to Project Success

In this edition of Paradigm Shift, we embark on a journey through the intricate landscape of project synergy, exploring key themes such as systems thinking and the groundbreaking development of Western Australia’s largest mass-engineered timber building. Our focus extends to case studies that unveil the strategic interplay of diverse elements in achieving project synergy, shedding light on innovative approaches that pave the way for successful project outcomes.

Previous editions

Digital business transformation

Winter 2023


How projects can change our planet

Autumn 2023


Navigating a world of disruption

Summer 2022


Driving change

Spring 2022

Achieving success

Winter 2022

Forward with purpose

Autumn 2022

Leadership and culture

Summer 2021

Sustainability and resilience

Spring 2021

Industry 4.0

Winter 2021

Change and transformation

Autumn 2021

Celebrate success

Summer 2020

The recovery edition

Spring 2020

The risk edition

Winter 2020

The people edition

Autumn 2020

The project management revolution

Summer 2019

The awards edition

Spring 2019

Contribute to ‘Project Manager’ magazine

Interested in contributing to an upcoming edition of ‘Project Manager‘ magazine?

Please submit your article or idea to the AIPM Editorial Committee via When submitting, please include the following information:

  • Email:
  • Full name:
  • Company Name:
  • Industry:
  • What is the purpose or intent of your article? (max 250 characters):
  • Summary of article (max 400 characters):
  • List of article inclusions – 5 things (max 250 characters):
  • What is your expertise on the topic? (max 250 characters):
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